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    Mr. Frinik's opinion


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    Mr. Frinik's opinion - Page 3 Empty Re: Mr. Frinik's opinion

    Post by Kozak76 Thu Jan 06, 2022 7:51 pm

    Frinik, ти як зміюка підколодна. Просичав чергову брехню і нумо ховатись під дурника. Ви мене неправильно зрозуміли, я за Україну, я хороший, а сам дулю в кишені тримаєш. Твою мерзотну натуру вже розкусили, можеш не ховатись. Брехло та анти-семіт!
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    Mr. Frinik's opinion - Page 3 Empty Frinik opinin 2

    Post by frinik Thu Jan 06, 2022 8:12 pm

    Kozak76,still yapping????Yawnnnnnnnn Sleep
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    Mr. Frinik's opinion - Page 3 Empty Frinik's opinion 2

    Post by frinik Thu Jan 06, 2022 8:13 pm

    Kozak76; yawn! Sleep
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    Mr. Frinik's opinion - Page 3 Empty Re: Mr. Frinik's opinion

    Post by frinik Thu Jan 06, 2022 8:28 pm

    Yes Kozak76; you got me. I confess, my real name is Feliks Dzerzhinsky. I am responsible for all the crimes against the Ukrainian people and nation. Please spare me, have mercy on my poor soul! Happy now? Feeling better? If you care to read and use Google translate there are plenty of articles backing up what I posted:

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    As I said every body is entitled to their heroes but that does not mean that atrocities committed din their names should be whitewashed or forgotten. Nobody likes facts they don't agree with.

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    Mr. Frinik's opinion - Page 3 Empty Re: Mr. Frinik's opinion

    Post by Kozak76 Thu Jan 06, 2022 10:11 pm

    Frinik, це ти тут достав своєю відвертою брехнею.
    Так що тут у нас брехунець Frinik приніс у клюві.
    Це у нас посилання на wiki. До побачення.
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    Так це у нас посилання на білоруський ресурс диктатора Лукашенко. На смітник.
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    так це у нас євроньюз - за чутками рашинський ресурс. І що тут у нас? Стаття якогось кореспондента на тему кому що подобається. Це документ??? Ти ще сюди притягни написи з забору, йолоп.
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    Дивимось далі - газета Нью Йорк Тімес, котра згадує події поміж етнічними українцями, котрі були громадянами Польщі.
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    Це все confused  facepalm  Де документи злочинів Бандери??? За що його Гестапо посадило до концтабору?
    Брехло, де посилання на several international human rights, на historical research institutions, де добре задокументовані звірства, де накази Бандери? Бовдур, де посилання на звірства 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS which was involved in various atrocities against Jews and Poles from 1941-1944? Де документи на твою брехню -  Many members of Galizien also volunteered to work as guards in various concentration and extermination camps? Де посилання на Western sources only the US State Department та Yad Vashem in Israel? Що ти тут якісь побрехеньки з забору викладаєш?
    Покажи мені documents from the German Bundesarchiv which include discussions and documents drafted by the SD ( Sicherheitsdienst)and Gestapo and reports (long classified) from the British MI6 and Foreign Office. Брехун, то що ти навів це посилання на вікі та якісь спогади в журналах/газетах. ДЕ ФАКТИ? Чому ти не спростовуєш інформацію від zet35, що в УПА воювали євреї, котрі були членами ОУН та займали вищі керівні посади? Вже заткнувся, більше не розповсюджуєш анти-семітські заяви? Який ти дипломат? Ти чумодан дірявий.

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    Mr. Frinik's opinion - Page 3 Empty Re: Mr. Frinik's opinion

    Post by Kozak76 Thu Jan 06, 2022 10:15 pm

    frinik wrote:Kozak76; yawn! Sleep

    Це тобі привіт від Бандераса за твої ресурси - не бреши мені Frinik!

    Mr. Frinik's opinion - Page 3 ME14AB1G_o

    Чекаю на вибачення! Дивно чому Адміни дозволяють цьому телепню розповсюджувати свідому брехню?
    Leo Hagen
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    Mr. Frinik's opinion - Page 3 Empty Re: Mr. Frinik's opinion

    Post by Leo Hagen Thu Jan 06, 2022 10:53 pm

    I look here you have fun! Smile
    I do not speak Ukrainian or English, but I can use a google translator!
    I read a little here and should note that I can understand the Ukrainian language only in text form, and that is not all. If you talk, then maybe percent 40-50%, which is very uncomfortable. I ask the interlocutor to switch to Russian Smile The Belarusian language is generally not clear to me, what is it familiar sound and that's it. Polish is like Martian to me Very Happy

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    Mr. Frinik's opinion - Page 3 Empty Re: Mr. Frinik's opinion

    Post by Admin Fri Jan 07, 2022 8:32 am

    The new sentence was added to the forum's rules.
    5. The Soviet propaganda is forbidden.
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    Mr. Frinik's opinion - Page 3 Empty Re: Mr. Frinik's opinion

    Post by plug_nickel Fri Jan 07, 2022 10:35 am

    frinik wrote:This is the final word for me.
    frinik wrote:Anyway that's the last I am posting on this thread.

    You did promise TWO times never come back here and what? You are a windbag and your word is shit.
    Aw, you've forgotten to mention Lockie. Ask him coming here and wipe your nose and change your stinky panties also Yes!

    I've the same question - when you will show me well documented facts?
    Mr. Frinik's opinion - Page 3 ME14ACAA_o
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    Mr. Frinik's opinion - Page 3 Empty Re: Mr. Frinik's opinion

    Post by frinik Fri Jan 07, 2022 4:31 pm

    Look Kiddo that last time I used childish insults like the ones you threw at me was when I was 12 years old in high school. DO me a favour Sweetheart and go back to your playpen and play with your barbie dolls and let the adults speak. K? bored
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    Mr. Frinik's opinion - Page 3 Empty Re: Mr. Frinik's opinion

    Post by Tanker Fri Jan 07, 2022 5:39 pm

    Admin wrote:The new sentence was added to the forum's rules.
    5. The Soviet propaganda is forbidden.

    Give us a definition of Soviet propaganda so we don't inadvertently get into trouble.

    Does the definition include all information that may be critical of Ukraine and it's leaders past and present?
    How about information substantiated by the United Nations or other non Soviet sources?
    Is Wikipedia deemed a Soviet propaganda site?

    The way this is written makes secret and arbitrary judgements possible.
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    Mr. Frinik's opinion - Page 3 Empty Re: Mr. Frinik's opinion

    Post by will73 Fri Jan 07, 2022 7:31 pm

    Tanker wrote:
    Admin wrote:The new sentence was added to the forum's rules.
    5. The Soviet propaganda is forbidden.

    Give us a definition of Soviet propaganda so we don't inadvertently get into trouble.

    Does the definition include all information that may be critical of Ukraine and it's leaders past and present?
    How about information substantiated by the United Nations or other non Soviet sources?
    Is Wikipedia deemed a Soviet propaganda site?

    The way this is written makes secret and arbitrary judgements possible.
    Перший раз в ролі адміністратора (на жаль не головного, )
    Give us a definition of Soviet propaganda so we don't inadvertently get into trouble.
    Не пишіть в чому не впевнені (або напишіть, що це Ваша власна думка)
    Do not write what you are not sure about (or write that this is your own opinion)

    Does the definition include all information that may be critical of Ukraine and it's leaders past and present?
    How about information substantiated by the United Nations or other non Soviet sources?
    Радянська пропаганда = російська пропаганда, КГБ=ФСБ.
    1. ООН- це не офіційні судові рішення (Римське право у нашій країні діє= вину доказує суд.)
    2. ООН- щодо Бандери (ОУН),що проголосував???
    3. ОУН- три організації 1) пана Мельника і 2) пана Бандери

    1. The UN is not an official court decision (Roman law is valid in our country = guilt is proved by a court.)
    2. UN - on Bandera (OUN), who voted ???
    3. OUN - two organizations 1) OUN(m)Mr. Melnyk and 2) OUN(b) Mr. Bandera

    Is Wikipedia deemed a Soviet propaganda site?
    Вікіпедія  - редагується також і ІПСО на Росії  - а в Україні з Росією нагадую війна "неоголошена", офіційно 13 тисяч вбитих
    Wikipedia - also edited by IPSO on Russia - and in Ukraine with Russia I remind the war "undeclared",  officially 13 thousand killed

    Я можу заявити на цьому форумі, наприклад;
    Боротьба з наркокартелями в Колумбії в 1980-90х роках, вибухи бомб в містах Колумбії, все це громадянська війна -з такими групами: "червоні партизани","марксистами-соціалісти",  а не  війна з наркокартелем "Пабло Ескобара".
    І взагалі, Колумбії потрібно, розірвати домовленості з США,  наркокартелі легалізувати, надати їм місця в парламенті, квоти в поліції, армії, та місцевому самоврядуванні. і стати провінцією Іспанії (мова, віра і т.д.)

    Я надіюсь все це сподобається шановному пану з ніком "Фрінік".
    I can state on this forum, for example;
    The fight against drug cartels in Colombia in the 1980s and 1990s, the bombings in Colombian cities, all this is a civil war - with the following groups: the Red Guerrillas, the Marxist Socialists, not the Pablo Escobar war.
    In general, Colombia needs to break agreements with the United States, legalize drug cartels, give them seats in parliament, quotas in the police, army, and local government. and become a province of Spain (language, religion, etc.)

    I hope all this will be liked by the dear gentleman with the nickname "Frinik"
    Моя позиція щодо моєї країни,  "Фінанасовий вклад" не дає право всім коиу не попадя, на безапеляційні- політичні "пропангандиські" вислови, щодо моєї країни, я витратив, чимало  по-перше -загиблого друга, під смт Лутугіно в серпні 2014року, який пішов обороняти нашу країну проти Хуйла,  по друге до 2014 року працював в Криму,  фінансів на розробку моделей і конфігів для ЦСталевої Люті" я потратив можливо більше за "Всіх" присутніх зараз і в подальшому на цьому "Форумі"

    Попрошу з Вашими "казками" про історію Україну, не писати тут, де Ви- ні "бельмеса" не розумієте.

    Last edited by will73 on Fri Jan 07, 2022 8:49 pm; edited 1 time in total
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    Mr. Frinik's opinion - Page 3 Empty Re: Mr. Frinik's opinion

    Post by frinik Fri Jan 07, 2022 7:58 pm

    Look Will1973, I put my opinion on Bandera and OUN on the forum based on what I had read and I don't need the KGB or FSB to make my own mind. Some people didn't like it Fine! They could have told me without insulting me and accusing me of spreading Soviet propaganda . I am on the side of the Ukraine in this undeclared war and I have made it it quite clear enough times on the forum in the past. But I am not party to this war, it's not my fight I am not Ukrainian. I also believe Russia is the aggressor clearly but I don't demonize Russians , they are people there good ones and bad ones like any country. I also made it clear. I have my principles and I stick to them, . like it or not.

    I don't need anybody to approve me this is a Steel Fury forum, I have made lots of contributions financial and personal to this game and to this forum and I don't want it turned into another Politburo! The irony is those who accuse me of spreading propaganda are the ones constantly posting political stuff on the forum and making political statements. I left the old Graviteam forum and followed Lockie and others because the Russian chetnik in charge, Krabb , the forum Admin would ban anybody who wanted to side with the Ukraine and was trying to spread a message favourable to the Russian side only. I didn't switch forum just to have now a Ukrainian side telling me what I can say or not say!

    Stepan Bandera was not a monster but he is no hero either! It's my opinion like it or not. Everybody is entitled to one. So I hope I made my position clear and trying to bullshit me with "Don't spread Soviet propaganda" is not going to make me stop voicing my opinion I feel like it. Rozumiesz?

    Insulting me and bulllying me is not going to work either for those who like that style of debate.

    As for the ' dear gentleman frinik 'comment , I am a not sure if it's meant ironically or insultingly. I'll take it lightly and move one.

    I hope this is the last of this controversy because I am getting mightily annoyed.

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    Mr. Frinik's opinion - Page 3 Empty Re: Mr. Frinik's opinion

    Post by mechanic Fri Jan 07, 2022 9:49 pm

    Tanker wrote:
    Admin wrote:The new sentence was added to the forum's rules.
    5. The Soviet propaganda is forbidden.
    Give us a definition of Soviet propaganda so we don't inadvertently get into trouble..

    Forum rules were updated, I can't add more than it had been said already.
    Leo Hagen
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    Mr. Frinik's opinion - Page 3 Empty Re: Mr. Frinik's opinion

    Post by Leo Hagen Fri Jan 07, 2022 10:31 pm

    frinik wrote:Belarusian is halfway between Polish and Russian. In fact most Belarussians also speak Russian.
    Are these your words?
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    Mr. Frinik's opinion - Page 3 Empty Re: Mr. Frinik's opinion

    Post by frinik Fri Jan 07, 2022 11:42 pm

    No they are from my Belarussian friends . They were born in Minsk and spoke both Belarussian and Russian fluently. They left Belarus in 1990( illegally ). I also had a Belarussian girlfriend for 2 years. She also spoke both languages and told me that for her the two languages were very close. I don't know personally as I don't speak either. I just repeated what they told me.

    Yesterday I found these articles which seems to indicate that Belarussian and Russian share commonalities:

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    Mr. Frinik's opinion - Page 3 Empty Re: Mr. Frinik's opinion

    Post by zet35 Sat Jan 08, 2022 12:25 am

    Liar Frinik have a habit of being dishonest. Now he accused me in personal attacks, because I've presented the facts and proved - he is liar! Frinik is trying to hide his ignorance and anti-semitic essence as his opinion. Why he didn't mention Bandera and his brothers were jailed by Gestapo to Sachsenhausen concentration camp? Why he didn't comment mine facts about Jews who served in the UPA (Ukraina Rebel Army) and was presented in the Ukraina Goverment as member of OUN? He should have said - excuse my ignorance, I was wrong. That's enough.

    Regarding the note about opinion - accusation.
    If I'll tell - in my opinion Frinik is asshole. That is OPINION. It's sometimes abusive word, but it's OPINION!

    If I'll tell - there is a well documented fact Frinik is asshole. That is ACCUSATION! In spite it is true, I must prove it, if anyone ask me.

    frinik wrote:on plenty of documentary evidence from non Soviet sources
    Frinik, give me the links on these non Soviet sources.

    frinik wrote:he was a vile anti-semite whose organization, the OUN , was involved and responsible for the  massive killings of Jews often exceeding the zeal of the Einsatzgruppen.
    Prove it.

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    Mr. Frinik's opinion - Page 3 Empty Re: Mr. Frinik's opinion

    Post by Kozak76 Sat Jan 08, 2022 2:25 am

    Фінік, ти роздуплився нарешті? Коли наведеш вибачення за свою ганебну брехню? Тебе вже Will1973 макнув носом у твоє собаче лайно, а ти все ховаєшся від відповідальності. Невеличке доповнення. Frinik, де рішення Нбюрнберзького Трибуналу щодо злочинів УПА та 14-ї Гренадерської Дивізії СС? До твого відома українці також приймали участь у боаталіях під Курском влітку 1943 року у складі 5-ї Танкової Дивізії СС Вікінг. Чому твій брехливий язик нічого не каже за їхні злочини? Ще не прочитав радянську методичку? Чи твій мозок не може вийти зі своєї безмежної тупості? Який ти дипломат, ти чумодан з брудним язиком.

    Повторюю ДЕ ФАКТИ?
    Надай мені посилання на
    frinik wrote:several international human rights, historical research institutions, 14th Waffen Grenadier Division of the SS which was involved in various atrocities against Jews and Poles from 1941-1944, Many members of Galizien also volunteered to work as guards in various concentration and extermination camps, Western sources only the US State Department та Yad Vashem in Israel.
    Rozumiesz, telepen? Ти брехло не відкрутишся.
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    Mr. Frinik's opinion - Page 3 Empty Re: Mr. Frinik's opinion

    Post by norrin Sat Jan 08, 2022 3:45 am

    Surely the primary focus of this forum should be the game that we all enjoy playing and improving and not politics. Hasn't Donald Trump and his lunatic fringe proven that even in the face of a multitude of "facts", people will pick and choose whatever suits their world view, or in Trump's case the clothes he's wearing and no amount of rational argument or name calling will ever change that. I don't really understand why this thread has not been locked - everyone has voiced their opinions on numerous occasions and all that is being achieved now is disunity and disharmony, which ultimately aids no one.
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    Mr. Frinik's opinion - Page 3 Empty Re: Mr. Frinik's opinion

    Post by frinik Sat Jan 08, 2022 3:52 am

    In order to maintain the peace and calm tempers on this forum I will say something which is as close to an apology from me as you will get. I am not going to apologise for believing what I believe..However I regret posting my comments because I did not realise how angrily and offended Ukrainian members of this forum would react to my words. I suspected my words would be impopular but I never dreamt they would generate such fury. Had I known I would not have posted them. Had I been asked  politely or in a civil manner, without insults and personal attacks, I would have been willing to have my post, which offended some, removed by the forum Admin. I did not , in any way, intend to wilfully or purposefully insult or offend Ukrainian members of this community. I regret that my words disturbed and/or infuriated you but I repeat this was not my intention.

    I also hope that you regret your personal attacks against me and uncalled for slurs of being a zionist or Soviet propagandist and other personal insults. I did not attack anybody personally when I posted my first comment and I expected that our differences of opinion would remain civil. As for Admin rules I expect the rules to be applied to all equally. This is not a Ukrainian forum nor an English forum  it's a Steel Fury forum. We are all equal members here, Ukrainians and non Ukrainians. There cannot be a rule for Ukrainians and different ones for others. As for spreading Soviet propaganda, I am not sure I understand. The Soviet Union is dead and buried. I was there physically in the region when it died 30 years ago. There's no Soviet propaganda that can resurrect the defunct USSR. In the West we have many different sources of information, from various sources( archives, the internet, books, historical reports and research, academic work, even from intelligence collected through espionage ) and from various countries like the US, the UK, Germany, France, Italy, Sweden, Switzerland, Australia and so on. Given that the West fought the Soviet Union for 55 years nobody uses Soviet sources. They were the enemy. The Soviets also kept their sources secret as they contained damaging information about crimes committed by the Soviets and their subversive activities everywhere. Only recently has Russia given some access to their archives.

    Anyway I hope we can put this matter to rest and move on and find some peace. I am not the enemy of the Ukrainian members of this forum or of their country. This is my peace offering and for me the last i have to say on the matter.
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    Mr. Frinik's opinion - Page 3 Empty Re: Mr. Frinik's opinion

    Post by plug_nickel Sat Jan 08, 2022 11:13 am

    frinik wrote: I have made lots of contributions financial

    That explains why liar Frinik decided he had immunity for the ban. He can lie, accuse the Ukrainian nation, spreading anti-semitic announcements do whatever he wants, because he knows exactly he won't be banned in any cases. Did Lockie wipe your nose and change your panties, my pedigree chum? Aw, I don't mind to see the verdict of the Nuremberg tribunal about UPA, 14th Grenadier Division SS also as declared Kozak76. Frinik, I repeat where is your well documented facts about UPA crimes?
    Frinik, you'd better to follow my advice - find a cozy Russian forum where you'll spread your Soviet propaganda fakes and anti-semitic sentences with your free speech by your flexible tongue.
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    Mr. Frinik's opinion - Page 3 Empty Re: Mr. Frinik's opinion

    Post by plug_nickel Sat Jan 08, 2022 11:35 am

    I agree this topic has less enjoy than the game. Personally, I'm waiting when Frinik will bring his excuse for his lying. He accused the Ukrainian Rebel Army, one of the Ukrainian leader, Ukranian soldiers who fought against bolshevik's power without any proof! He declared "well documented facts", but didn't bring any except uncleared wiki and a couple of the shity articles. When he was exposed as a bluffed scum fulfilled of lying, he began accusation of his opponents in the personal attack and used lofty phrases about free speech in the Western society. He must have the responsibility for his lies!

    frinik wrote:Unfortunately it's not so much my opinion as  simply well documented fact by several international human rights and historical research institutions. Stepan Bandera shared anti-semitic comments and declarations which left no doubt about his feelings  about Jews and non  Ukrainians living in the Ukraine. Many of his followers joined the Waffen SS division Galizien which was involved in various atrocities against Jews and Poles from 1941-1944. Many members of Galizien also volunteered to work as guards in various concentration and extermination camps.

    He declared the fact, but not his opinion. Still no proofs anymore.
    Leo Hagen
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    Mr. Frinik's opinion - Page 3 Empty Re: Mr. Frinik's opinion

    Post by Leo Hagen Sat Jan 08, 2022 1:22 pm

    Leo Hagen wrote:
    frinik wrote:Belarusian is halfway between Polish and Russian. In fact most Belarussians also speak Russian.
    Are these your words?
    frinik wrote:No they are from my Belarussian friends
    It is clear, there are no words of yours.

    frinik wrote:I just repeated what they told me.
    What for? Maybe I don’t understand something, but you write that you’re not in the subject, you don’t know anything. You don't know Ukrainian, Polish, Belarusian, Russian but for some reason you quote your friends. Why? It's pretty weird to post quotes that you have no idea about. As a Russian, I can tell you that Belarusian has nothing to do with Russian language. I say this based on my experience. In Belarus, the big number majority speak Russian, but not because the languages are close, but because the Belarusian language is absent and does not spread in the social spheres of the citizens of Belarus. An example is the complete absence of universities with the Belarusian language of education.
    Sorry, for my English Smile

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    Leo Hagen
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    Mr. Frinik's opinion - Page 3 Empty Re: Mr. Frinik's opinion

    Post by Leo Hagen Sat Jan 08, 2022 1:25 pm

    frinik wrote:Yesterday I found these articles which seems to indicate that Belarussian and Russian share  commonalities:

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    No, thanks Smile
    TSF Member-Golden Feather
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    Mr. Frinik's opinion - Page 3 Empty Re: Mr. Frinik's opinion

    Post by frinik Sat Jan 08, 2022 3:27 pm

    Leo, I am not going to engage you in another futile conversation. You know better than linguists and people I know who actually speak the language so fine. You just popped up on this forum 3 to 4 days ago. I'll let you debate your point of view from Russia. See how popular it is going to be on this forum.... Wink

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