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    Mr. Frinik's opinion


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    Mr. Frinik's opinion - Page 2 Empty Re: Mr. Frinik's opinion

    Post by Kozak76 Wed Jan 05, 2022 10:48 pm

    Зараз Frinik розкаже, що в нього є друг, котрий знає іншого друга, а в того друга є подруга, в котрої чоловік бачив, що там сталось зовсім не так, як мало бути. І це буде чергова казочка від брехуна Frinika!

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    Mr. Frinik's opinion - Page 2 Empty Re: Mr. Frinik's opinion

    Post by Kozak76 Wed Jan 05, 2022 10:52 pm

    frinik wrote:I had 2 Ukrainian-Canadian friends who were in Poland with me and told me that Polish is fairly close to Ukrainian. Russian and Belarussian speaking friends of mine say they can read written Ukrainian fairly well but spoken Ukrainian is difficult for them. Belarusian is halfway between Polish and Russian .
    Що за маячня? Ти сам нічого не знаєш але маєш нахабство заявляти, що русскій ба білоруськи однакові язики та ще на-половину схожий з полдьською мовою? Ти сам хоч щось знаєш? Що за дурню ти тут розповсюджуєш?
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    Mr. Frinik's opinion - Page 2 Empty Re: Mr. Frinik's opinion

    Post by frinik Wed Jan 05, 2022 11:22 pm

    Kozak ,

    No I am not spreading Soviet propaganda nor telling lies. The information or documentation I have posted about Stepan Bandera and the OUN comes from Western sources only the US State Department  (Hardly a Soviet propaganda tool) , the Yad Vashem in Israel ( I know the anti-Semites are going to scream Zionist propaganda), documents from the German Bundesarchiv which include discussions and documents drafted by the SD ( Sicherheitsdienst)and Gestapo and reports (long classified) from the British MI6 and Foreign Office. I don't use Soviet documents or sources as I don't trust them.  

    You may not like the facts but they are what they are. There's also no need to plaster anti-semitic imagery in your posts trying to discredit the information I posted as "Zionist "propaganda. You have the right to not believe what I say but trying to discredit me as a Soviet or "zionist" tool just makes you a fool ( and it rhymes too). I have nothing to apologise for. You on the other hand  should may be enlighten yourself and read about the superb contribution of Jews to Western civilization. Ignorance is not always bliss...
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    Mr. Frinik's opinion - Page 2 Empty Re: Mr. Frinik's opinion

    Post by frinik Wed Jan 05, 2022 11:31 pm

    Hey Kozak have you heard of Julius Streicher? He must be a role model for you. You share the same rabid anti-semitism. As for what I said I can easily post a link to the Tank Crew forum where you can see my post about Stalin and the Red Army. Unlike you Frinik does not talk through his hat he talks straight Cabron! Rolling Eyes

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    Mr. Frinik's opinion - Page 2 Empty Re: Mr. Frinik's opinion

    Post by frinik Wed Jan 05, 2022 11:34 pm

    plug_nickel wrote:You've changed your skin again.

    If you mean by that that I have changed my mind no I haven't .I keep the same language and I say things as I see them. I am consistent in my beliefs and my opinions.

    You asked the question who am I and I can return the favour. Who are you? I have been on this and the previous Graviteam forum much longer than you.
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    Mr. Frinik's opinion - Page 2 Empty Re: Mr. Frinik's opinion

    Post by frinik Wed Jan 05, 2022 11:47 pm

    Ï am a fool who has lived in 12 different countries as a diplomat and travelled to 40 more on official travel during the past 33 years. You want to measure your experience of life and various cultures with mine? Make me laugh? I have German, Swedish, Swiss and Austrian ancestry. Not a trace of Russian in my blood. I speak 5 languages fluently. How about you Oh intellectual bright light? The arrogant one is the ignorant who resorts to personal attacks because he is annoyed that I dared say or post something he didn't like and has no sound arguments to propose.

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    Mr. Frinik's opinion - Page 2 Empty Re: Mr. Frinik's opinion

    Post by frinik Wed Jan 05, 2022 11:58 pm

    Tanker wrote: Politics and religion, two subjects that should not be discussed in polite society.

    It's too bad that there is a language barrier here that precludes serious discussion and leads to misunderstandings and "meme warfare".

    Interesting info frinik, thanks for posting it.

    Yeah I guessed I truly stepped into a minefield. I understand the Ukrainians struggle but they need to accept that not every hero is worthy of worship. But I did not say anything personal to any member of the forum but this guy Kozak is making it personal and resorting to anti-semitic innuendo and pretending I am a Soviet-loving propagandist. Oh the irony!!! Well, I pissed the Russians on Tank Crew forum and now the Ukrainians on the Steel Fury one. May be I can convince both sides to make peace and join forces and unite against me??? scratch
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    Mr. Frinik's opinion - Page 2 Empty Re: Mr. Frinik's opinion

    Post by Tanker Thu Jan 06, 2022 2:25 am

    plug_nickel wrote:Frinik is spreading the Soviet propaganda and fired up international strife. He accused Ukrainian nation as a followers of killer and didn't bring any arguments. Did Ukrainian members ask him for advice?

    Perhaps you could have said that in the beginning instead of posting weird Antonio Banderas memes?
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    Mr. Frinik's opinion - Page 2 Empty Re: Mr. Frinik's opinion

    Post by frinik Thu Jan 06, 2022 3:06 am

    I did not accuse the Ukrainian nation of being followers of a killer. I didn't say that Stepan Bandera was a killer either. I said he was anti-semitic and that many members of his party engaged in war crimes against Jews and Poles. This is well documented and even members of the Waffen SS Galizien confessed to their participations in war crimes and members of the OUN as well.. As far as I know Bandera did not commit murder or war crimes. May be Plug Nickel read what I post before you open your mouth and accuse me of saying things I didn't say. As for Ukrainians member asking for advice?  I did not give any advice I gave my opinion. In Western countries we have freedom of expression and we are free to give opinions which not everybody may like but it's a right called free speech. We also discuss different point of views without insulting each other or making personal accusations. I am sympathetic to the Ukrainian people and their fight for freedom and independence. I have said it many times on this forum in the past.. Russia is the aggressor and the Ukraine is its victim. The entire world or almost is on the side of the Ukraine and that includes me. I hope the Ukraine regains the Crimea and get compensation from Russia for their war of aggression against the Ukraine. However when I saw that Stepan Bandera is being lauded as a hero I felt obliged to comment that in the West he is considered a controversial figure because of the crimes his movement committed on the side of the Nazis. It's not only my opinion, is the consensus of historians in the West.

    Making personal attacks against me is not going to change anything and calling me a Soviet or Zionist propagandist because you don't like what I said is not going to change my mind or make me back down. You are free to disagree with me and say my information is wrong or you don't agree with it and it's fine.I believe you are entitled to your opinion. But slandering me is just a relic of Communist times when anybody who disagreed with the prevailing view of the party was called names.
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    Mr. Frinik's opinion - Page 2 Empty Re: Mr. Frinik's opinion

    Post by eugen Thu Jan 06, 2022 9:52 am

    Mr. Frinik. The Soviet Union, or, as President Ronald Reagan called it, the Evil Empire, ceased to exist in 1991. But, unfortunately, it continues to live in people's minds. Decommunization in Russia, similar to denazification in Germany, was not carried out as it was necessary. Therefore, any mention of the crimes of Stalin and the Communists in general causes, for the most part, furious rage and dislike for the bearer of such an opinion among people who speak Russian. Personally, I try not to communicate with Russian speakers at all and in no case do I talk to them about history. this almost always leads to quarrels. I apologize for my English.

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    Mr. Frinik's opinion - Page 2 Empty Re: Mr. Frinik's opinion

    Post by zet35 Thu Jan 06, 2022 1:04 pm

    frinik wrote: Stepan Banderas is not a hero, he was a vile anti-semite whose organization, the OUN , was involved and responsible for the  massive killings of Jews often exceeding the zeal of the Einsatzgruppen.
    Frinik - you're liar and anti-semitic!

    Mr. Frinik's opinion - Page 2 Lev_Rebet_in_Auschwitz

    Jew Lev Rebet was a premier-minister in the Ukrainian government and member of OUN. He was arrested by Gestapo  together with Stepan Bandera and sent to the Sachsenhausen concentration camp. Rebet and Bandera were killed by the Soviet assassin Stashynsky in 1957, 1959 respectively.

    Jew Mandik Zhisi Hasman - member of OUN, soldier of the Ukraianian Rebell Army (UPA - Ukrainska Povstanska Armia).

    Mr. Frinik's opinion - Page 2 218828b-img-0397

    Slava Ukraini!
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    Mr. Frinik's opinion - Page 2 Empty Re: Mr. Frinik's opinion

    Post by frinik Thu Jan 06, 2022 4:25 pm

    For your information my great grandparents on my mother side are Austrian Jews. They were bankers in Northern Italy which was then part of the Austrian-Hungarian empire. They were forced to convert to Catholicism because of the prevailing anti-Semitism in Italy and Austria at the time. MY best friend and Godfather to my eldest son is a practising Belarussian Jew. So nice try calling me an anti-semite.... Besides I am not the one who posted crude anti-semitic images worthy of Julius Streicher on the forum. Ask you friend Kozak76  that's his specialty.

    Those resorting to personal attacks and calling me a liar for stating my opinion based on plenty of documentary evidence from non Soviet sources need to look at reality and stop calling people who don't share their beliefs liars.

    Anyway I did not mean to start an open war on this forum just to state my opinion. But seeing the pitiful level of maturity and the level of fanaticism being  displayed by those who dislike or hate my opinion I should  have remained quiet. If you don't want this forum to become more overly politicized as it already is may be stop posting videos about Bandera or other figures and stick to WW2 . This is a Steel Fury  tank simulator forum where we are supposed to discuss the game, mods , missions and WW2 battles. But it is being increasingly kidnapped by people more interested in making inflammatory political declarations then discussing the game. When I followed Lockie and left the old Graviteam forum because the Russian admins were muzzling all discussion about the Ukraine I did not sign for being muzzled or getting abuse for stating my opinion . So I g suggest either everybody agrees to be tolerant of differing opinions or if you cannot then stop posting political stuff unrelated to Steel Fury!

    [b]This is the final word for me. I will not answer further posts or accusations related to my comments. may be I should have been more considerate in my words when I first posted but I thought we could have a civil conversation  without throwing insults. My mistake.[/b]

    Last edited by frinik on Thu Jan 06, 2022 4:39 pm; edited 2 times in total
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    Mr. Frinik's opinion - Page 2 Empty Re: Mr. Frinik's opinion

    Post by plug_nickel Thu Jan 06, 2022 4:28 pm

    Tanker wrote:Perhaps you could have said that in the beginning instead of posting weird Antonio Banderas memes?  
    Perhaps Frinik should have written the right name instead of posting weird Banderas memes?

    frinik wrote:Unfortunately it's not so much my opinion as  simply well documented fact by several international human rights and historical research institutions.

    Oh, this time it's your opinion only? This is not a "well documented facts" anymore? This is not opinion. This is accusation! I want to see your well documented facts!
    Frinik did you understand the difference between Banderas and Bandera? If not I'll teach you again.

    Mr. Frinik's opinion - Page 2 ME14A9NK_o

    Do you understand what do you talking about? I can see only a trash from your mouth.
    Frinik I'll give you advice with your anti-semitic sentences you should find another forum where you'll get unqualified approval.
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    Mr. Frinik's opinion - Page 2 Empty Re: Mr. Frinik's opinion

    Post by plug_nickel Thu Jan 06, 2022 4:31 pm

    frinik wrote:Ï am a fool
    This is true or may be a clown also. No questions.
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    Mr. Frinik's opinion - Page 2 Empty Re: Mr. Frinik's opinion

    Post by frinik Thu Jan 06, 2022 4:46 pm

    Better a clown than an ignorant. Feel happy! Wink
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    Mr. Frinik's opinion - Page 2 Empty Re: Mr. Frinik's opinion

    Post by plug_nickel Thu Jan 06, 2022 4:49 pm

    zet35 wrote:Frinik - you're liar and anti-semitic!

    Slava Ukraini!

    Yes, he is! He accused Ukrainian National Hero and Ukrainian Rebel Army in crimes, but didn't bring any facts!

    Geroyam Slava!
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    Mr. Frinik's opinion - Page 2 Empty Re: Mr. Frinik's opinion

    Post by plug_nickel Thu Jan 06, 2022 4:53 pm

    frinik wrote:Better a clown than an ignorant. Feel happy! Wink
    Clown, better keep your mouth closed, if you don't know anything what do you talking about. jocolor
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    Mr. Frinik's opinion - Page 2 Empty Re: Mr. Frinik's opinion

    Post by plug_nickel Thu Jan 06, 2022 5:07 pm

    frinik wrote:This is the final word for me.
    Aw man, you’re feeling salty! Don't dodge me, talk to me. Are you the liar who has a well documented facts about UPA crimes?

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    Mr. Frinik's opinion - Page 2 Empty Re: Mr. Frinik's opinion

    Post by zet35 Thu Jan 06, 2022 5:46 pm

    frinik wrote: Besides I am not the one who posted crude anti-semitic images worthy of Julius Streicher on the forum. Ask you friend Kozak76  that's his specialty.
    No, you're the one who started this anti-semitic mess! Why you didn't mention Will1973 poster? Yes Kozak76 is mine friend, because he is not liar and anti-semitic person like you! Shame on you!

    frinik wrote:stop posting political stuff unrelated to Steel Fury!
    You are nor admin neither moderator. On this forum we have freedom of expression and we are free to give opinions which not everybody may like but it's a right called free speech.
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    Mr. Frinik's opinion - Page 2 Empty frinik opinion 2

    Post by lockie Thu Jan 06, 2022 6:35 pm

    frinik wrote:What Lockie said is that because Russia was under Mongol/Tatar yoke for centuries they lost part of their Slavic connection.
    NO!!! I didn't say that! affraid  russia didn't exist in 9-17 centuries and was not under Mongol/Tatar yoke, because it was ORIGINALLY part of the Golden Horde. It was announced in 1721 as Russian Imperia, before it was ulus/district of the Golden Horde (created by Khan Menglu Timur in 1272) under the name Moskovia with their non-Slavic languages and habits. Please, keep me out of this discussion. This topic devoted to the English classes. If u want to speak about russia' history then create the other topic under appropriate name. With my best wishes!
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    Mr. Frinik's opinion - Page 2 Empty Re: Mr. Frinik's opinion

    Post by frinik Thu Jan 06, 2022 6:43 pm

    Yes Kozak76 is mine friend, because he is not liar and anti-semitic person like you! Shame on you!

    So posting anti-semitic imagery is not being anti-semitic according to your logic while defending Jews is anti-semitic. Nice reverse logic. I guess for you black is white and white is black. Rolling Eyes

    While it is good to defend your friends I remind you that I did not attack Kozak76.He is the one who started to post memes and then resorted to insults calling me, as you do , a liar, a soviet propagandist etc. I just stated my opinion on the forum.I did not attack any member. My crime was to state an opinion which some of you didn't like. All you had to do was simply to say nicely "Frinik we don't agree with your opinion please remove your post|". I would have done it and stay away from this.

    As for me suggesting that yous top posting political stuff. it's s suggestion not an order. May be you need to learn nuance. I didn't order stop putting political stuff I suggested not putting political material on the forum to avoid disputes and controversies like this one . I am not ordering or stopping free speech I am suggesting we all (that includes me as well)refrain from posting political material.

    Anyway that's the last I am posting on this thread. The discussion is closed as far as Ima concerned. You have your opinions and I have mine. I am not saying I am right and I am not saying you are wrong. Let's move on as everybody is getting angry and we are not having positive conversations. That's a suggestion not an order..... Wink
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    Mr. Frinik's opinion - Page 2 Empty Re: Mr. Frinik's opinion

    Post by frinik Thu Jan 06, 2022 6:47 pm

    plug_nickel wrote:
    frinik wrote:Better a clown than an ignorant. Feel happy! Wink
    Clown, better keep your mouth closed, if you don't know anything what do you talking about. jocolor

    Are you talking to yourself in front of a mirror? scratch
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    Mr. Frinik's opinion - Page 2 Empty Re: Mr. Frinik's opinion

    Post by frinik Thu Jan 06, 2022 6:50 pm

    lockie wrote:
    frinik wrote:What Lockie said is that because Russia was under Mongol/Tatar yoke for centuries they lost part of their Slavic connection.
    NO!!! I didn't say that! affraid  russia didn't exist in 9-17 centuries and was not under Mongol/Tatar yoke, because it was ORIGINALLY part of the Golden Horde. It was announced in 1721 as Russian Imperia, before it was ulus/district of the Golden Horde (created by Khan Menglu Timur in 1272) under the name Moskovia with their non-Slavic languages and habits. Please, keep me out of this discussion. This topic devoted to the English classes. If u want to speak about russia' history then create the other topic under appropriate name. With my best wishes!

    Ok I agree my friend. Let's stop talking about it. I had no intention to speak about Russian history although it's Ukrainian history because without the Ukraine and Prince Vladimir Russia would not exist. Anyway agreed I 'll keep mum. It's an English expression which means I 'll stop talking about it . I will stick to the English language. Some topics are hotter than chili pepper sauce!

    Best wishes too.

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    Mr. Frinik's opinion - Page 2 Empty Re: Mr. Frinik's opinion

    Post by Kozak76 Thu Jan 06, 2022 7:38 pm

    Frinik, то ти вже почав ховатися, що ти діпломат Smile Та мені начхати, хто ти такий діпломат чи слюсар чи прибиральник польських клозетів. Ти маєш нахабство безапеляційно заявляти, що русскій язик такий самий як білоруський, український чи польський. Хоча сам нічого не тямиш у жодному, а лише посилаєшся на друзів своїх друзів у котрих є інші друзі. То може тобі краще прикрити свою пельку, якщо ти нічого не тямиш у сенсі розмови? Та жоден русскій нічого не розуміє у цих мовах. Так само, як і такий брехун, як ти. Ти навіть лізеш до історії України, користуючись радянськими міфами і знову наголошуєш абсурдні речі, не наводячи посилання на жодні факти. Ще розпалюєш міжнаціональну ворожнечу, як заповзятий анти-сіміт.

    Frinik, то ти дипломат?

    Mr. Frinik's opinion - Page 2 203850114fdb7436880117e27a7bc5c5f27410edee8bda9c0dae4ac673a0a614374107fa

    Frinik, а може ти чумодан?

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    Mr. Frinik's opinion - Page 2 Empty Re: Mr. Frinik's opinion

    Post by Kozak76 Thu Jan 06, 2022 7:48 pm

    Frinik, то коли ти будеш вибачатись за свою мерзотну брехню та розповсюдження брехливої інформації стосовно Героїв Української Повстанської Армії? Frinik, чому ти не згадуєш постер Will1973? Ти теж його хочеш обмазати своєю анти-симітською брехнею? Тебе вже zet35 припер до стінки, а ти все викручуєшся, брешеш як собака. От такі як ти коїли лихо на землі Український, а потім видавали себе невинними жертвами, а самі оббріхували всіх і вся.

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