Luftangreifer wrote:Id be happy to figure something out for voice acting though.
I've added generic Japanese phrases to the SSM2.0. U may voice them in correct manner, i.e. for the
tank crew.
just make a record, then send to me or place it by erself.
There is file:\k42\loc_rus\levels\levels\common\snd_list_jpn.engcfg
where all phrases has description. I.e.:
load_ap, jload_ap*, txt_sub_load_ap;
load_ap - activity. It does, which phrase subject to play. In our case it is "AP loading".
jload_ap* - phrases, which should be played. There could be a several:
1. jload_ap_01 (standard)
2. jload_ap_02 (with accent)
3. jload_ap_03 (with additional phrase or other voice or whatever)
* - means numerical ending. Game engine will pick any from available ones. Usually, one phrase is quite enough.
All phrases are located here for the infantry:\k42\loc_rus\sounds\speech\inf_jpn
for the tank\k42\loc_rus\sounds\speech\
tank_jpntxt_sub_load_ap - subtitle
txt_sub_load_ap() { Load armour piercing round!; }
All subtitles are located here:\k42\loc_rus\text\loc_kit_subs.text