by col.moore Wed Oct 14, 2015 4:07 pm
Cool, but even considering that the Tiger I in the movie being the first variant?
And i forgot to consider one point here, as Frinik told, i believe that the lack of training was also something very common at that point of the war.... as a Luftwaffe fan as well, I've read few books, and even in the documentaries they mention that, there ware a few number of veterans available to train, and those whose ware training the fresh troops (or pilots) they couldn't stay for too long, so the hours of practice was reduced, resulting in a large number of soldiers whose wasn't ready to perform in a very effective way.... also considering that the most of the German infantry in that point of the war was soldier from the Volkstrum...
And about the document "After action report from the 66th Armored Regiment.." its awesome, but, as a German Military fan, it hurts my heart to read such a document! LOL kkkkk.
Its a shame, the germans with the best equipment, with the highest technology of its time losing thanks to a Madman (Hitler) whose ware a terrible tactician, an temperamental asshole whose forced many time the German generals to go to the wrong way, go to the wrong town, do not fall back when necessary, all these stupid things to for fill his stupid ego.